DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky
January 20, 2025
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Recognizing the fear that people have about getting back into airplanes after lock-downs, Airlines 4 America has initiated a campaign called Fly Healthy Fly Smart.  Unfortunately, in an age when 24-hour news coverage focuses on creating fear, this campaign falls well short of what might be needed to convince you or your neighbors to return to flying, assuming that you haven’t lost your job and can afford it.  But that’s another topic for another time.

Recognizing the fear that people have about getting back into airplanes after lock-downs, Airlines 4 America has initiated a campaign called Fly Healthy Fly Smart.  Unfortunately, in an age when 24-hour news coverage focuses on creating fear, this campaign falls well short of what might be needed to convince you or your neighbors to return to flying, assuming that you haven’t lost your job and can afford it.  But that’s another topic for another time.

They have launched the campaign with the following infographic, but it isn’t very convincing.

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Ernest Arvai
President AirInsight Group LLC