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Yesterday Embraer’s San Jose dos Campos operation was disrupted by strike action. When we contacted the firm we were told the action was small – 80% of the employees were at work. The remaining 20% were outside. Many of these fearful of crossing the picket line to get to work.
Overnight we got this note from Embraer: “Embraer clarifies that most employees of the Faria Lima unit in São José dos Campos (Sao Paulo, Brazil) did not join the strike imposed by the Union of Metalworkers of the City of São José dos Campos and Region. All plant productive and administrative areas are operating with about 80% of its teams. This morning a blockade was made by union representatives at the main access of employees to the Company, delaying the first and administrative shift cars and buses’ entry, which was later guaranteed with the arrival of the Military Police.
Embraer also enlightens that the base date negotiations are being made between the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp), that represents companies in the aerospace sector, and the Union of Metalworkers of the city of São José dos Campos. As publicly informed, two meetings regarding the subject were held, in which Fiesp initially presented the bonus proposal and, subsequently, a second proposal for the salary readjustment according to the inflation (3.28%).
Embraer respects the right of free association and expression by its employees. However, the Company strongly disapproves and deplores actions such as the ones that took place today, that seek to restrict the constitutional right of employees to come and go by creating obstacles to accessing the workplace. Embraer also informs that the Eugênio de Melo and EDE units, both in São José dos Campos, besides Botucatu, Campinas, Gavião Peixoto, Sorocaba, and Taubaté, operate normally.”
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