Boom Supersonic flew its XB-1 proof of concept demonstrator past Mach 1 today during a test flight from Mohave...
Boom Supersonic
Boom Supersonic said on Tuesday that it has made “significant advances” in the development and industrialization of the Overture...
Unable to source one from the main OEMs, Boom Supersonic is developing an engine for its Overture supersonic airliner on...
American Airlines has placed an order with Boom Supersonic for twenty Overture supersonic transport (SST) aircraft, with an option on...
FULLY UPDATED – Boom Supersonic has radically redesigned the Overture passenger aircraft. From the Concorde look-a-like that was unveiled in...
After a long search, start-up Boom Supersonic has selected Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro (North Carolina) as the manufacturing...