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September 18, 2024
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Is air cargo on a rebound? That’s the question after IATA reports the third consecutive month with growth of global demand measured in cargo tonne-kilometers (CTK). October was up 3.8 percent year on year, which follows 1.9 percent in September and 1.5 percent in August. This follows months of contracted capacity. While improving, the picture is not consistent and varies by region.

The strongest growth was evident in the Middle East, improving 10.9 percent compared to October 2022. Capacity was up by 15 percent year on year. The region benefitted from strong demand for the Middle East to Asia network and the Middle East to Europe, said IATA. This confirms what Mustafa Irfan Dahnkot, Vaayu Group’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, told AirInsight at the recent Dubai Airshow: the Middle East is booming.


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Richard Schuurman
Active as a journalist since 1987, with a background in newspapers, magazines, and a regional news station, Richard has been covering commercial aviation on a freelance basis since late 2016. Richard is contributing to AirInsight since December 2018. He also writes for Airliner World, Aviation News, Piloot & Vliegtuig, and Luchtvaartnieuws Magazine. Twitter: @rschuur_aero.