Both Ilyushin Finance and Bombardier appear to be on the verge of coming to terms that will preserve the company’s orders for 39 C Series aircraft that previously appeared in jeopardy. This is good news for both Bombardier and IFC, as the sanctions imposed by Canada precluded development bank financing. IFC’s chairman Alexander Rubitsov indicated the “I’m feeling we may reach a compromise” with respect to the C Series order.
Apparently, after the C Series debut at the Paris Air Show, the attitude of private bankers shifted regarding the C Series, and banks that would not consider asset-backed financing appear to be changing their mind, after watching the CS300 fly and touring the CS100 on static display.
Marketing the aircraft outside of Russia is a new strategy for IFC, and they are hopeful of new agreements with operators before the end of this year. Both Bombardier and IFC believe that once the aircraft is in operation and its performance numbers are proven that they will be able to attract additional customers for the C Series.
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