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February 6, 2025
MG 7926 scaled

MG 7926 scaled

Post Farnborough perspective on Orders
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Farnborough was a marvelous show for Boeing. It was a great comeback after several years of no airshows and, of course, restricted MAX deliveries. Here is a post-Farnborough perspective on orders.

We are seeing pent-up travel demand explode with all kinds of trickle-down trouble which is essentially, too few people in the industry to handle this flood of traffic.  Who to blame? Everyone in the industry – airlines who saw the forward bookings and didn’t hire up fast enough and airports for much the same thing (even if they say they weren’t informed of booking levels).

Farnborough was a marvelous show for Boeing. It was a great comeback after several years of no airshows and, of course, restricted MAX deliveries. Here is a post-Farnborough perspective on orders.

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Addison Schonland Partner
Co-Founder AirInsight. My previous life includes stints at Shell South Africa, CIC Research, and PA Consulting. Got bitten by the aviation bug and ended up an Avgeek. Then the data bug got me, making me a curious Avgeek seeking data-driven logic. Also, I appreciate conversations with smart people from whom I learn so much. Summary: I am very fortunate to work with and converse with great people.