DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky
September 14, 2024
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[UPDATE – The table and blog updated]

Besides seeing its neo sales continue to grow – perhaps not as fast this year as last – Airbus created a race for the two engine firms.  The stakes are huge. Both CFM and P&W need to build and maintain momentum.  

Take a look at this table which is current as of this writing. Since we are in the midst of an airshow the numbers could change as soon as later today.

We only show firm orders because that is the most definitive.  The race is incredibly close. Whoever wins the American Airlines order will probably become undisputed leader. We understand that CFM will offer an extremely aggressive package. Despite CFM’s 100% of the airline’s MAX order.  For American the common parts are attractive, but being in Chapter 11, the airline is going to be especially focused on the financial package.  It will be a tough fight for P&W at American.

With over half the neo orders yet to announce an engine selection, both engine makers are going to keep up the fight for every deal. The stakes on the neo program are too big not to fight over every deal. Airbus’ neo has proven to wildly popular. It has attracted some very interesting new customers that were previously exclusively Boeing 737 users.

9 thoughts on “neo Fueled Engine Race

  1. Could you please, in a next article, identify the airlines who were Boeing B737 customers which the AirBus A320 Neo has snagged.
    Thank You.

  2. Does this mean engine makers (CFM) will make comparatively less money on the A320 NEO than on the B737 MAX (CFM only) — which one is the better bet?… Interesting..

  3. We believe CFM will find the MAX more profitable. When you have a monopoly, you don’t have to dicker. When you have to compete, you don’t make as much money. Just as Boeing on the tanker (2001 monopolistic lease deal vs 2011 competition vs EADS).

  4. Quote:”With nearly half the neo orders yet to announce an engine selection, both engine makers are going to keep up the fight for every deal”.

    TBA 646 engines, not airframes. Convert to 323 airframes. Only 22.76%.

  5. Do they not still have to compete? Maybe not on the engine alone, but on the a/c + engine combo. MAX+LEAP vs A320+PW1000 foremost, but also with themselves as MAX+LEAP-1B vs A320+LEAP-1A (the logic being that they cannot afford to be too high on the -1A since it competes with the PW1000, and thus set a limit also for the -1B or they risk to be uncompetetive on the MAX+LEAP package).

  6. If Boeing looses pricing power ( assuming the distinct Airbus / Boeing spread is indicative ) for MAX sales this will certainly impact engine pricing too.
    i.e. Customers ignore the cheap frames with overpriced engines and buy NEO with adequately priced engines by way of dual offer leverage.
    Potentially Boeing looses more than GE, for sure.

  7. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a real Neo fuel race, once both types are available.
    Fill up the two A320Neo’s, and let them start from a common airfield, have them make the same voyage. Compare different type of routes.
    Monitor the contents of the fueltanks during flight.
    Compare side by side. Do it with A319, A320, A321.
    Make a TV program out of it. Put in on youtube.
    My predictions:
    GTF is best for the shorter flights. CFM for the longer ones.
    … Would be nice to see though.

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