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November 1, 2024
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2 thoughts on “PAS 2013 – Chet Fuller

  1. Dear John Leahy

    I have a good news for you to please reopen and reproduce the Airbus A340 programme which will consist of the new Airbus A340-400E derived from the A340-500 with the same fuselage, same wings and winglets, same cockpit from the A340-200/300’s, the same landing gear with the A340-500/600’s and the same 4 engines with the A340-200/300’s which is the CFM56-5C that will fly 10,000nm for 25-26 hrs in flight while the airbus A340-400 will fly 8,400nm for 16-17 hrs in flight. Kindly reproduce the new airbus A340-700E which is derived from the airbus A340-600 with the same fuselage, same winglets and wings, same cockpit from the A340-200/300’s, the same landing gear with the
    Airbus A340-500/600’s and the same 4 engines with the a340-200/300’s which is the CFM56-5C that will fly 9,000nm for 21-22 hrs in flight while for the new Airbus A340-700 will fly 8,200 nm for 15-16 hrs in flight so kindly advertise these kind of new aircraft to all the airline companies and that would be good for your business and Sir Leahy I realise that the Airbus A380 is too big and heavy for that company and has some problems.

    Sincerely yours
    Dustin Patrick Peters

  2. Dear John Leahy:

    I wish I would see the new Airbus A340-400/400E, A340-700/700E.
    Thank you!

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