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A Daily Summary of Industry News covering
Commercial Aviation, Business Aviation, Airlines, Urban Air Mobility, and Social Media
Commercial Aviation
- FAA addresses potential data-display fault in 787 avionics: FlightGlobal
- Boeing director Nikki Haley quit the board, says she’s philosophically opposed to Boeing request for $60B federal bailout: BizJournal
- Malaysia’s AirAsia says review cleared Airbus sponsorships: Reuters
- See The World’s Airports Empty Out As Coronavirus Spreads: Forbes
- Boeing Considers Dividend Cut, Layoffs Amid Cash Drain: WSJ
Business Aviation
- This VTOL Concept Wants to Disrupt the Executive Helicopter Market: Yahoo
- Steep capacity cut leaves airlines with overhedged jet fuel headache : Reuters
- BA pilots hit with 50% salary cut over coronavirus : FT
- ATW news roundup: ATW
- Bank of America says the recession is already here: CNBC
- Could Cabin Crew Really Be Redeployed as Healthcare Workers Because of the COVID-19 Crisis?: Kanoo
- Smartwings Operates 2 Hour Boeing 737 MAX Flight Over Prague: SimpleFlying
Urban Air Mobility
Libya’s deadly game of drones – ArabianAerospace
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