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A Daily Summary of Industry News covering
Commercial Aviation, Business Aviation, Airlines, Urban Air Mobility, and Social Media
Commercial Aviation
- A380s grounded as Covid-19 hurts traffic: AirInsight
- Coronavirus Is Ending a 16-Year Plane Boom for Boeing and Airbus: Bloomberg
- Regional Aviation Likely Commercial Test Bed for Hybrid and All-Electric Aircraft: AviationToday
Business Aviation
- Corporate Jet Flights Plunge With Executives Staying Home: Bloomberg
- Air freight rates skyrocket amid passenger flight cuts, Chinese factory restarts: Reuters
- Business travel sector to lose $820 billion in revenue on coronavirus hit: Reuters
- EU frees airlines to halt ‘ghost flights’ in coronavirus fightback : Guardian
- JetBlue CEO says demand for flights has fallen more due to coronavirus than after 9/11: CNBC
- As coronavirus pummels air travel, lessons from 9/11 on what may come next: TAC
Urban Air Mobility
- The flying taxi market may be ready for takeoff, changing the travel experience forever – CNBC
- MVRDV and Airbus investigate how vertiports could be integrated into cities – deZeen
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