DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky
January 23, 2025
UPS 767 scaled

UPS 767 scaled

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The US DoT data offers fascinating insights, and here is a good example.

Singling out the Boeing 767-300ER, we can see how fuel burn compares to the payload carried.  The size of the ball reflects the number of flights.  To optimize viewing of the model, please click the double-headed arrow at the bottom right.

To see the movement over time, click the “play” button at the bottom left.

  • Seeing how this aircraft went through a second life once the freighter was added is great.
  • Delta was the biggest US operator and, along with United, continued to deploy this aircraft.
  • Click on any operator ball to see how ops evolved over the period.

Most operators’ fuel burn is relatively consistent over time. United shows increased fuel burn, while ABX and Eastern have pretty wild fluctuations.

Over time, passenger services are showing revenue ton mile declines. This is to be expected as these aircraft age. The UPS and FedEx fleets are much newer and still growing.  The expected freighter extension is no doubt a relief for these operators.

The 767-300ER is a classic. Even though the A330 eclipsed it in passenger service, many operators continue to use the 767-300ER. It has been the freighter conversion aircraft of choice for many years, while the A330 is only now entering serious freighter conversions.

The 767-300ER shows how Boeing got this model right. Along with its 757 sibling, it was the heart of the MoM segment for many years.

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Addison Schonland Partner
Co-Founder AirInsight. My previous life includes stints at Shell South Africa, CIC Research, and PA Consulting. Got bitten by the aviation bug and ended up an Avgeek. Then the data bug got me, making me a curious Avgeek seeking data-driven logic. Also, I appreciate conversations with smart people from whom I learn so much. Summary: I am very fortunate to work with and converse with great people.

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