Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation has confirmed on February 6 that the first delivery of the Spacejet M90 to ANA has been delayed until 2021 at the earliest. It is the sixth delay since the program start.
While certification of the Spacejet is getting closer as the first aircraft in full spec has been completed, the schedule is too tight to meet the earlier delivery schedule of mid-2020. A more specific new date for delivery to All Nippon Airways has not been given but will be after March 2021.
The Spacejet program (previously MRJ) was launched in 2007. The first delay was announced in September 2009 when the first flight slipped to Q2 2012. In April 2013, this slipped to Q3 2013 and to Q2 2015 in August 2013. In December 2015 first delivery was postponed until 2018.
This was followed by a two year-delay announced early 2018 after a redesign of the electrical system was deemed necessary. Now, another delay means the rebranded MRJ will not fly commercially only 14 years since its inception.
Early January, Mitsubishi rolled out Flight Test Vehicle 10 JA26MJ which has been built with all the latest updates. She is still in Nagoya and will be flown at a later date to Moses Lake to join the four test aircraft that have been there for some time.
On February 6, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries announced a Yen -175.3 billion operating loss for the Spacejet program for the first nine months. Full year operating loss for FY2019 is expected to be Yen -270 billion, of which 60 billion will be attributable to the owners.
The Japanese airframer will take a Yen 496.4 billion additional charge on the program. The Spacejet orderbook stands at 287, including 163 firm orders and 124 options/purchase rights.
Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation announced some personel changes too. Long-time President Hisakazu Mitsutani will become Chairman and is to be succeeded by Takaoki Niwa from April 1. Niwa joins MAC from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries North America. He will be tasked to lead the program towards certification and development.