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A Daily Summary of Industry News covering
Commercial Aviation, Business Aviation, Airlines, Urban Air Mobility, and Social Media
Commercial Aviation
- The Passing of Aviation Pioneer Joe Clark: NBAA
- Lockdown Woes: Storage and return to service of grounded aircraft: AvLawIndia
- Another Boeing problem: Reuters
- The FAA is issuing a proposed regulation to set noise standards for new supersonic airplanes: FAA
- Airbus’ urban air mobility operations company, Voom, has ceased operating: AviationToday
Business Aviation
- The first civilian version of the V-22 Osprey: VerticalMagazine
- Pilot Report: Bombardier Global 7500: AIN
- The aviation industry is now less than half the size reported in mid-January: OAG
- No, A Government Airline Bailout Wasn’t Necessary, And Just Makes Things Worse: VFTW
- Oil is selling for less than $10 across key North American hubs: Bloomberg
- Southwest CEO: We’re parking more planes and cutting spending as COVID-19 challenge grows: DallasMorningNews
- Coronavirus Highlights U.S. Strategic Vulnerabilities Spawned By Overreliance On China: Forbes
- Air New Zealand plans to lay off 3,500 employees: Reuters
- Air Transat retires A310: Twitter
- Qantas’ last ever 747 flight lands in Sydney from Santiago de Chile: Twitter
Urban Air Mobility
- Farnborough International asks the question: “UAM – is it all hype or a sector worth pursuing?” – Urban Air Mobility News
- A Rest Stop Where Flying Cars Can Recharge – WIRED
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