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Summary of industry news in commercial aviation, business aviation, airlines, and social media
A Summary of Industry News in Commercial Aviation, Business Aviation, Airlines, Urban Air Mobility, and Social Media
Commercial Aviation
- What Boeing’s 737 MAX production halt means for airlines – and passengers: Telegraph
- Boeing’s misplaced strategy on the 737 MAX: The Economist
- Boeing needs a new flight plan to get back in FAA’s favor: Crain’s Chicago Business
- As Boeing halts MAX output, Airbus can’t build jets fast enough: BNN Bloomberg
- Angola: Brazil interested in negotiating with Angola on E2 aircraft sale: All Africa
Business Aviation
- Aerion selects GKN for supersonic program: Aviation Week
- AFRL camber morphine wing takes flight: AFMC
- British Airways signs joint business agreement with China Southern: Airways
- Boeing’s suspension of 737 MAX production poses more challenges for Canada’s airlines: Globe and Mail
- Southwest joins American crossing one-year mark without 737 MAX: AJOT
- Asia Pacific airlines traffic results October 2019: Travel Industry Wire
- Delta enters offtake agreement for 10 million gallons per year of sustainable aviation fuel: Twitter
Urban Air Mobility
- Calling All Pilots – Manned and Unmanned: FAA will host four webinars beginning next week to explain the new testing system- FAA News
- Airbus Vahana Completes Flight Testing – eVTOL
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