Embraer reports a good 2023 and guides it to a strong 2024. In 4Q23, the adjusted EBIT was $181.7...
We spoke with Stephan Hannemann, VP MEA. The foundation of Embraer’s confidence is rationally explained. The OEM has the right-sized...
Hot on the heels of the additional Porter order last week comes more order news. Embraer announced its C-390...
The E-170/5 is the best-selling Embraer aircraft. Based on ch-Aviation fleet data, 773 of these aircraft are in active...
Swiss regional airline Helvetic Airways has leased two Embraer E190s from lessor TrueNoord to expand its fleet. The aircraft recently flew...
Embraer will not launch the new turboprop anytime soon. The Brazilian airframer is still undecided about the choice of the...