Here is our updated model:
- No orders
- Good deliveries though
- A220-300 deliveries at 50% compared to 2019 F/Y
- A320neo deliveries at 41.3% compared to 2019 F/Y
- A321neo deliveries at 48.8% compared to 2019 F/Y
- Only a handful of widebodies delivered, but to strong airlines that will deploy them
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There will be extraordinary growth in global air transport once the pandemic declines.
America must build two new international airports if IT is to remain globally competitive.
If not U.S. airport congestion and gridlock will increase dramatically. Candidates for new airports could be: Abandoned or low-use military sites, two locations on marine coasts, expanding two large regional general aviation airports …. or new sites.
William F. Shea
Aerospace Lecturer
A past FAA Associate Administrator for Airports