DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky DBEA55AED16C0C92252A6554BC1553B2 Clicky
February 14, 2025
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Our TSA model is updated, and January was the best month for air traffic in the USA since before the pandemic.

The chart shows the progress. Since the pandemic, we have seen steady growth each January, which is encouraging for the airlines and the travel industry.

TSA traffic
DHS AirInsight

The damage from the pandemic is manifest. The US travel industry probably suffered its biggest hit to date.

The following chart shows the quarterly trend for US air travel.

TSA traffic
DHS AirInsight

The 2025 numbers only reflect January and three days in February.  The trend starts slow, accelerates during the summer, and tails off again in the final quarter.

This is good news for the US travel industry, despite naysayers.

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Addison Schonland Partner
Co-Founder AirInsight. My previous life includes stints at Shell South Africa, CIC Research, and PA Consulting. Got bitten by the aviation bug and ended up an Avgeek. Then the data bug got me, making me a curious Avgeek seeking data-driven logic. Also, I appreciate conversations with smart people from whom I learn so much. Summary: I am very fortunate to work with and converse with great people.

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