With several news reports late last week indicating a further delay in the Mitsubishi Regional Jet program, the company today has formally denied any change in delivery schedule. “No such announcement has been made by Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation or Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. At present, no decision has been made to change the delivery schedule.”
The company went on to state that they are moving forward with MRJ development to achieve both safety and superior performance as they overcome issues one by one. When issues arise in the development process, they will take appropriate steps. If any decisions are made on issues to be made public, including development schedule, the company will announce them promptly.
This comes on the heels of the first MRJ test aircraft arriving at Moses Lake, Washington later than planned, where the flight test program will be conducted. The company indicated that it will accelerate flight tests in the US to accommodate potential issues that may arise.
With multiple reports from industry publications, the question is whether there is fire along with the smoke. But for now, the official schedule has not changed.