No pictures today as we were busy with presentations and meetings.
First up this morning was Pratt & Whitney. The first video is of a quick chat with Greg Gerhardt about the GTF.
Next was the presentation by Paul Adams, President of P&W.
Next up was an interesting project announcement. US-based Sierra Nevada (of Embraer A-29 Super Tucano in the USA fame) announced they are working to set up a Turkey-based firm called TRJ that will take over the manufacturing of the Dornier 328 (jet & prop) and then develop a larger 628 model (also with jet & props). The Turkish government is helping to sponsor the program by ordering 50 328s. The story intrigues – just how much demand is there for a 32-seat regional jet? This will be a story to watch play out.
Then we attended Boeing presentations. Here is Scott Fancher.
And here is Ray Conner.
Then came the CS300 demo flight – something we missed yesterday, but that was talk of many people we came across. Viewers seem impressed with how quiet the aircraft is. Please pardon the camera shake – we were standing on a deck where people were walking by. However, viewers can readily notice the noise level, or lack thereof. For comparison purposes, watch yesterday’s 787 flight for its engine noise. The 787 is very quiet. We think the CS300 is even quieter. Finally you see the CS300 being towed back to its parking spot until tomorrow’s demo flight.
We then had a visit with Nazario Cauceglia, SuperJet CEO to talk about their program and the market. As he points out, they no longer have to talk about what might be, but what is. The aircraft is delivering 4-5% lower fuel burn than projected. Now to find more customers – though in the short term it looks like these will be based in the Far East.
Finally we got to speak with Viking Aerospace’s VP International Sales and Marketing Evan McCorry.
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