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October 12, 2024
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2011 12 Airbus Orders DeliveriesSending out this chart today, Airbus claims to be the winner in the annual orders race once again.  When taking a more detailed look at the numbers, note that just over 85% of these sales are for the A320.  The A330 is another bright spot at 6.3% of orders.  The A380 accounted for 1.3% of annual sales – a number that understates the value of these sales.

Overall single aisle sales accounted for 91% of sales. The A321 saw a good jump in orders of 109 – but this is only 7.4% of single aisle orders. The A318 saw a net -3 while the A319 scored 19 orders. Clearly the big story here is the success of the neo. Without doubt 2011 was the year of the neo.

In the twin aisle segment (A330, A340 A350) the A340 had no orders, and while the A330 did well, the A350 had a net loss of 31.  Among the A350 cancellations the A350-900 saw 61% of the cancellations.  The increase in A380 orders should have been much better – there were 29 orders but ten cancellations.

Airbus has 12 new customers on its list. That’s a 19% growth in customer base.

When looking at deliveries Airbus provided the following chart.

2011 12 Airbus Deliveries Page 1Of the deliveries, 78.8% were single aisle – compare this to the 91% among the orders.  The A320 accounted for 73% of deliveries compared to 85.9% of orders. Clearly the A320 is Airbus’ “bread and butter” program. The A330 generated 87 deliveries (16%) and the A380 26 (5%).  We anticipate Airbus will at least match the A320 and A330 deliveries in 2012, but do better on A380 deliveries.

1 thought on “Airbus claims Top Spot for 2011

  1. Not listed among the 12 new customers is American Airliner. Their 100 A321 order was cancelled. What gives?

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