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A Daily Summary of Industry News covering
Commercial Aviation, Business Aviation, Airlines, Urban Air Mobility, and Social Media
Commercial Aviation
- One European airline opted against parking idled planes at one airport after determining creditors could more easily seize the aircraft: WSJ
- EasyJet’s order for 107 “additional useless aircraft”: Twitter
- Superjet 100s contracted to support UN peacekeeping: FlightGlobal
- Boeing indefinitely extends production shutdown at Washington state: Seattle Times
- FAA orders all 787s to be powered off and on every 51 days: TheRegister
Business Aviation
- Dassault Aviation Places two Falcon Aircraft at Service of Operation Resilience: Dassault
- Goldman CEO Buys Two Jets for Bank in Break With Tradition (But the optics?): Bloomberg
- Domestic networks will spur the eventual rebound for Asia-Pacific airlines: CAPA
- Royal Air Maroc pilots take stand against wage cut: ch-Aviation
- Slowly but surely, China domestic capacity creeps back up: FlightGlobal
- Thai Airways doesn’t just need a bailout, it needs a wholesale restructuring, starting with politicians and generals keeping their hands off the national carrier: thisRUPT
- Air Deccan has shut shop until further notice: Twitter
- Berkshire Hathaway Sells Huge Blocks of Delta, Southwest Stock: Barrons
- Virgin Atlantic 747 ‘Tinker Belle’ is scrapped in pieces: Twitter
Urban Air Mobility
- UAS and UAM Career Salaries – Women and Drones
- SkyDrive confirms manned flight tests, appoints Nobuo Kishi as CTO – eVTOL.com
- A Rest Stop Where Flying Cars Can Recharge – WIRED
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