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December 13, 2024
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In the five prior Insight reports, we’ve taken a look at Boeing’s lack of decisiveness on the NMA, the quality problems with the 787, the continuing impact of the MAX crisis, the shrinking market for the 777-X, and the problems with the KC-46 Tanker. Each one of Boeing’s programs is currently in a crisis state, with one problem after another emerging to be dealt with by the management team. The fundamental problems stem from three elements – strategy, leadership, and focus. Boeing’s current corporate culture and management team seem to lack all three.


In the five prior Insight reports, we’ve taken a look at Boeing’s lack of decisiveness on the NMA, the quality problems with the 787, the continuing impact of the MAX crisis, the shrinking market for the 777-X, and the problems with the KC-46 Tanker. Each one of Boeing’s programs is currently in a crisis state, with one problem after another emerging to be dealt with by the management team. The fundamental problems stem from three elements – strategy, leadership, and focus. Boeing’s current corporate culture and management team seem to lack all three.

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Ernest Arvai
President AirInsight Group LLC