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September 18, 2024


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New-technology engines are coming off the wing of aircraft much sooner than anticipated, AerCap CEO Aengus Kelly remarked on August 11 in the lessor’s earnings call. This remark came as a surprise to some, as it was believed that the technical issues that these engines suffered from in recent years were all over. Or is there something happening below the radar? Are new engine types still having tech issues?

Engine makers aren’t readily offering insight into what is happening in the workshops, so we looked for another way to get a picture of the situation. One is looking at Airworthiness Directives (AD) that are issued by the regulators, the FAA in the US, and EASA in Europe among the most influential players. If they issue an AD, then a problem must be serious enough to require inspections and/or part replacements. Which sometimes can result in taking an engine off its wing, as AerCap is seeing.


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Richard Schuurman
Active as a journalist since 1987, with a background in newspapers, magazines, and a regional news station, Richard has been covering commercial aviation on a freelance basis since late 2016. Richard is contributing to AirInsight since December 2018. He also writes for Airliner World, Aviation News, Piloot & Vliegtuig, and Luchtvaartnieuws Magazine. Twitter: @rschuur_aero.