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February 6, 2025
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We’ve seen some reports that the 2016 Farnborough Airshow was disappointing, with the fewest new aircraft orders in recent years.  One commentator even called the show ‘boring.“  We attended, and have a very different opinion.  These are exciting times for the industry, which essentially needs to deliver the equivalent of the last 30 years of aircraft production over the next 10 years.

The aircraft and engine OEMs have record backlogs, as airlines competed for delivery slots for new technology aircraft when fuel prices were high. Today we’re in a normal down cycle for orders as the industry absorbs a record number of new aircraft deliveries.  Growth in passengers, and operations worldwide continues at significant rates, and the future outlooks from both Airbus and Boeing show continued industry growth in step with economic growth worldwide.  Things are far from dull in the real world.